I learned how to forgive last year. Well actually it was so not me 'cause I'm Miss Idon'tcareifyou'resorrydieifyouhaveto. There was this guy (WTF) who made me feel so special, and loved. And whatever chenes that's applicable to sweetiepoopish life. I actually liked how sweet he was, and how honest he was whenever we're together. AND THE THING IS WE WERE NEVER FRIENDS. Yeah we started as users, and ended as friends. (That lucky bitch, I accepted his sorry.)

WELL THE THING IS IN A WAY I AM THANKFUL THAT THAT HAPPENED BECAUSE I GOT TO KNOW MYSELF. And my outlook towards boys slash bastards slash assholes slash douche slash everymeanword. (Well I was kidding, sorry boys.)
I learned that what I experienced before this happened was self inflicted, and that no matter how sweet he gets, or how consistent, or how wordy he gets. Everything is still 50:50 whether he is or is not telling the truth.

So well let me tell you what happened during the last together-ish day:
This happened around 4 AM.
Bastard held my hand infront of the door "Bea, what are you expecting from me?"
Well of course I can't answer that I am expecting something or never the less, that I am just plain expecting so I said: What, nothing, I am not expecting anything from you! Hello! (BTW I had to work on my 36 facial muscles just to fake a smile)
Then Bastard answered: "Oh, I'm glad to hear that. Cause you know, I am not expecting a girlfriend right now, I don't think I'm ready for those butterflies and commitment. But I know that one thing's for sure, if I am ready to have a girlfriend na, and get really hooked, I know that you're number one on my list." Then he kissed me.
//Hours after, I gathered up my courage and told him that I have to tell him something.
He was like, go.
I was like, wait ten minutes.
Then 10 minutes passed by, he was like tell me.
Well I didn't really have the courage. I started a chocolate, and didn't have the courage to savor the last bite.
He got annoyed, and told me do you want me to tell you what yo are about to tell me?
You are about to tell me that you like me. He said.

I stared at him, the sun shined already. Instead of saying something, I chose not to confirm nor deny. He has to know. I closed my eyes. He hugged me tightly, he never uttered any word either. He kissed my forehead, and I felt his lashes touch mine.

// I woke up an hour earlier than he did.
I chose to stare at him. I chose to play with his hair and drew circles on his cheeks. I stared at his lashes, and his brows. I just stared at his Hispanic face. Cause at that very moment, I thought that that day might be the last day.
My alarm clock ticked, and I had to go home.
I kissed him on the forehead, then I rubbed my nose to his. He woke up, he looked up to me and smiled.
Well guess what I got that right.
He dropped me in my condo, and kissed. My. Cheeks.

Btw, I never fell in love with him. And the thing lasted for only two weeks. Sad as it seems, I don't think it's as sad as it looks. HAHAHAHA.

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